Happy St. Patrick's Day!
This is one he's already stopped using... if you try to help him with something he's having a difficult time with, "no you can't do it, you're too beeg" or something might be so beeg. On the contrary he is so smwall (like a northern accent- which one?)
So here's as far as I could get with the pins. I think not enough for every adult (I believe there are more than 100, I made about 75.) Anyway I sent along some pieces to my co art teacher so she could make more if anyone asked. Did I mention that this picture was from 3am? Yup!
So about the only thing I accomplised today was to start an embroidered onesie. Uh, yeah. I think I've found the craft that I don't like. Well let's just say it looks terrible and I'm completely not satisfied with it and I don't think I have the guts to actual make one for a friend. I mean, what if it looks terrible? (and it would) I wouldn't want to have to pretend I like something someone made for me that looked like crap!
Ok, off to bed early. Is 10:30 early? I guess it's better than 3am, huh?
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